- Days to harvest: 115-120
- Drought tolerance: 1
- Standability: 3
- Regrowth: 4
- BMR: yes
- Seeds/lb: 17,000
- Baled hay: 5
- Silage: 1
- Grazing: 5
Forage Sorghum
Main attributes
- Maturity: late (90-95 days to mid-bloom)
- Forage quality: 1
- Forage yield: 1
- Best use:
Key highlights
- Excellent silage option in moisture-restricted regions
- Dwarf trait features higher leaf-to-stem ratio for desirable quality
Product characteristics
- Anthracnose: MR
- Head Smut: NR
- Downey Mildew: NR
- Fusarium: NR
- Charcoal Rot: NR
- Maize Dwarf Mosaic: NR
- Sugarcane Aphid: MR
- Greenbug resistance (C): NR
- Greenbug resistance (E): NR