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Allegiant® corn

CHS has worked side by side with America's growers for decades to increase corn yields under a wide range of growing conditions and through all market cycles. The Allegiant seed corn portfolio proudly carries on that tradition of partnership. Today we bring you leading-edge solutions with proven genetics, giving you the opportunity to enhance corn yield potential and drive performance in new ways.
Allegiant corn bag
Corn seed chart
View a side-by-side comparison of our corn portfolio.


Compare pest management across traits and platforms

Number of modes of action per trait
  SmartStax® PRO RIB Complete® SmartStax® RIB Complete® VT4PRO RIB Complete® VT DoublePRO® RIB Complete® Trecepta® RIB Complete® Agrisure® Above Viptera™
Corn Rootworm 3 2 2 0 0 0 0
European Corn Borer 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
Corn Earworm 2 2 3 2 3 2 1
Southwestern Corn Borer 3 3 3 2 3 2 3
Fall Armyworm 3 3 3 2 3 2 3
Western Bean Cutworm 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
Black Cutworm 1 1 1 0 1 0 2


  • Each trait has a refuge requirement of 5% RIB Complete® or 5% in the bag E-Z Refuge®.
  • Each trait has herbicide tolerance of Roundup Ready® 2 technology. Both SmartStax® traits have tolerance to Liberty®.
  • Agrisure® Above and Viptera both have Glyphosate and Glufosinate tolerance.
SmartStax® RIB Complete®
  • Corn Rootworm: 2 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 2 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 3 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 0 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 1 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology / LibertyLink®
SmartStax® PRO Technology
  • Corn Rootworm: 3 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 2 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 3 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 0 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 1 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology / LibertyLink®
VT4PRO™ with RNAi technology
  • Corn Rootworm: 2 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 3 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 3 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 1 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 1 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology
VTDoublePRO® RIB Complete®
  • Corn Rootworm: 0 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 2 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 2 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 0 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 0 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology
Trecepta® RIB Complete® CORN
  • Corn Rootworm: 0 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 3 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 3 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 1 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 1 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology
Agrisure® Above
  • Corn Rootworm: 0 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 2 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 2 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 0 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 0 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology
  • Corn Rootworm: 0 modes of action
  • European Corn Borer: 2 modes of action
  • Corn Earworm: 1 modes of action
  • Southwestern Corn Borer: 3 modes of action
  • Fall Armyworm: 3 modes of action
  • Western Bean Cutworm: 2 modes of action
  • Black Cutworm: 2 mode of action
  • Refuge requirement: 5% RIB Complete®
  • Herbicide tolerance: Roundup Ready® 2 technology
Want to learn more about Allegiant Seed?

Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Roundup Ready technology contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, an active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Agricultural herbicides containing glyphostae will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state. RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO® are trademarks of Bayer Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Individual results may vary.